Retirement Calculator

Having a financial plan to prepare your for retirement is essential, and figuring out how much money you'll need to put aside each month to reach your retirement income goals is a necessary step. This calculator will show you if you're currently saving enough, and how much extra you need to put aside to reach your goals. You may also want to read our article on Smart Retirement Investing.

Retirement Calculator

Find out how much money you'll need to retire in order to fulfill your personal retirement income goals, using our free Retirement Calculator. This calculator will take your current savings, current monthly contributions, and rate of return into consideration, along with 3 additional income streams after retirement. Our calculator will also create a custom, printable report for you.

Retirement Needs Combined Instructions
Enter age at the end of current year (#):
Enter the age you plan to retire at (#):
Enter life expectancy (#):
Desired annual retirement income ($):
Every years of retirement, reduce our income need by (%):
Desired estate ($):
Enter the expected average annual rate of inflation (%):
Retirement Funding Combined Instructions
Enter the amount of your current retirement savings ($):
Enter the amount of your current monthly contributions ($):
Age to stop contributions ($):
Enter the Annual Interest Rate you expect to earn (%):
Enter combined Federal & State Tax Rate during retirement (%):
Post-Retirement Income (Pension, SS, Wages, etc.) Combined Instructions
Annual COL Adjustment % Starting
Start & Stop Ages for Retirement Income #1 ($): to
Annual COL Adjustment % Starting
Start & Stop Ages for Retirement Income #2 ($): to
Annual COL Adjustment % Starting
Start & Stop Ages for Retirement Income #3 ($): to
Age to Apply One-Time Benefit (#):
Results Instructions
Savings Needed at Retirement Age:
Savings at Retirement Based on Present Entries:
Savings Surplus (negative number indicates a ShortFall):
Additional Monthly Contribution Needed to Fully Fund Plan:
Present Monthly Contributions:
Total Monthly Contribution Needed to Fully Fund Plan:

What You Should Know