Self Transport vs. Driving Calculator

Self Transport vs. Driving Calculator

Find out how much money you can save by using an alternative method of transport compared to driving with our free Self Transport vs. Driving Calculator. If you walk or bike rather than drive you'll also have the added benefit of increased physical fitness and better health!

Enter number of miles per trip:
Enter trip costs (bus fares, ticket costs, etc.) if any:
Trip will occur:
    One time
    time(s) per for years.
Compute savings using:
    Gasoline Method
    Mileage Method at cents per mile
Enter your car's miles per gallon (MPG) rating:
Enter gasoline cost per gallon:
Savings per Trip:
Savings per Day:
Savings per Week:
Savings per Month:
Savings per Year:
Savings over year period:

What You Should Know