Percentage Calculator

With our free online percentage calculators you no longer have to remember confusing formulas! Below are three calculators to to solve any of your "percentage problems". The Percentage Calculator will give you the amount a percentage is of another number. If you'd like to find out how much you're getting off of an on-sale item, use this calculator. The Percentage Off Calculator will give you the result of a percentage off of another number. If you're trying to calculate the sale price of an item, this is the calculator to use. And the Find the Percentage Calculator will tell you what percentage one number is of another.

The Percentage Calculator
Enter Any Number or Amount:
Enter the Percentage (%):
The number is:

The Percentage Off Calculator
Enter Any Number or Amount:
Enter the Percentage (%) Off:
The number is:

Find the Percentage Calculator
This number:
Is what percentage of this number:
The percentage is:

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