Car Comparisons

Your monthly payment isn't the only thing you should consider when reasearching auto loans. Each car will have different total costs and values based on the purchase price, resale value, insurance costs, and MPG. Use this calculator to get a more accurate idea of the total costs of ownership. If you'd like to compare different loan options, see our Car Loan Comparison Calculator.

Car Comparison Calculator

Find out which car is a better deal with our free, detailed Car Comparison Calculator. If you'd only like to find the detailed costs of a single car, select the Single Car option below. If the data for both cars is similar, you can click the Copy Column 1 to Column 2 button to save time.

Single Car Compare Cars
Entry Descriptions Car Buying
Scenario #1
Car Buying
Scenario #2
Enter the total price of the car, including options:
Enter the applicable sales-tax percentage:
Enter the annual cost of licensing this vehicle:
Enter the cost of the extended warranty, if applicable:
Will you be financing this vehicle?:
Enter the amount of your down-payment:
Enter the financing rate (Annual Percentage Rate):
Enter the number of months financed:
Enter annual insurance premium:
Enter the number of miles you expect to drive this car per year:
Enter the vehicle's estimated Miles Per Gallon rating:
Enter the local cost of one gallon of gasoline:
How many years old is the car?:
How many years do you expect to own this car?:
Enter an estimated monthly maintenance and repair cost:
Tax, License, and Extended Warranty Costs:
Depreciation Costs:
Finance Costs:
Insurance Costs:
Fuel Costs:
Maintenance & Repair Costs:
Total cost of buying and owning the car:
Annual cost to own and operate this vehicle:
Cost per mile:

What You Should Know